Relating with Horses
In our relationship with horses, each and every horse needs to immediately sense they are not being asked to sacrifice their integrity—their virtue, their empowerment, their well-put-togetherness (none of which can ultimately be defiled).
We could say the horse lives much closer to the Way—closer to the path of wisdom, love, and beauty—than most humans do; they don’t have all our mechanisms of distance and incoherence. Humans have elaborated distance and incoherence to an astonishing degree.
Horse demands confianza, an intimate wonderstanding that we will not break our own integrity or that of any horse (or any being). When we break either, we break both, and the crisis of the world arises from the fact that so many humans have lost touch with their integrity, their empowerment, which is sacred, a sacred essence, a matter of divine virtue/virtuosity inherently functioning in/through/as each of us.
True communication depends on this, for true communication is communion, a kind of resonance or profound mutuality.
This resonance doesn't fully arise without a tender, open heart. In other words, it requires ethics. We don’t need anything “fancy” to be effective and to be a true, ethical person. We don’t have to dance tango to dance our lives; we don’t have to ride a horse (probably shouldn't ride a horse) to go galloping on the Windhorse of the soul.
An authentic relationship with a horse or any other being means offering vulnerable access to our soul, access to the whole cosmos, through the portal of the heart. We let each other in by becoming a gateway to the whole cosmos, to the mystery, to the magic. That vastness can feel scary. It’s the main reason we close down, way underneath all the other reasons. We thus create an abyss—not only the abstract abyss of “nothingness” that we fear, but an abyss between ourselves and others, an abyss between ourselves and our own true nature, an abyss between ourselves and that sacredness of life.
Our little mind makes an abyss—the Windhorse crosses it in a single heartful bound. Leaping across, the Windhorse carries us beyond, to HERE.
To ride the Windhorse of the soul is to leap beyond our narrow notions of what is and what could be.
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