“As an artist I initially began working with Nikos over six months ago to deepen my practice into a greater ecology of mind. I continue to be amazed at his extensive knowledge, and his ability to gently guide me as I work on re-indegenizing myself. Working with Nikos is a joy and I am so happy to have found him to help me on my journey of growth and healing. Nikos is really good at what he does.” DH
“You are a bright light of sanity in an insane world.” Tara C.
nikos patedakis, PhD, PDC
Your Friendly Neighborhood Soul Doctor
“Vain is the word of the philosopher that heals no suffering.” Epicurus
Following in the footsteps of Epicurus, nikos patedakis works with individuals, groups, and organizations, bringing to bear the most powerful and holistic teachings of the wisdom traditions in relation to our most daunting personal and global challenges. nikos works with the unity of Nature and Culture, drawing from the sciences, the arts, and the wisdom traditions.
His educational and consulting practice offers a genuinely holistic approach to creativity and critical thinking, ecoliteracy and true sustainability, achievement and excellence, mindfulness and attention, wellness and stress reduction, burnout recovery and prevention, and more.
This work encompasses the traditional areas of ethics, knowledge, meditation, creativity, beauty, being, and metaphysics, remaining rooted in the ancient Greek orientation of philosophy as a way of life, in which philosophy is seen as therapy for the soul and fundamental to the healthy transformation of self and society. This is the tradition of philosophy from the dominant culture that influenced Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., and the approach of many other philosophies that have shaped our world.
The philosophical traditions serve as a sacred storehouse of practical wisdom, trainable compassion, and effortless beauty that can help us resolve complex personal and global challenges, uncover our hidden potentials, and realize our highest ideals. Wisdom is what works.
“To be a philosopher is . . . so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates . . . It is to solve some of the problems of life, not only theoretically, but practically.”