Ancient Wisdom, Present Moment
How is it possible to think differently—to think in harmony with spiritual and ecological realities?
How is it possible to be differently—to shift from having more to being more?
How is it possible to heal self and world at the same time?
“Working with Nikos has been truly life-changing. My heart and head had been so disconnected and the endeavor of meeting the issues and challenges of the Anthropocene had been overwhelming. With Niko's compassionate guidance and generous attention I found the meaning of the world and my work revealing itself again, to know my part in it. Nikos opened up so many doors of inspiration with his stories and knowledge of the wisdom traditions, and I found myself having 'A-Ha!' moments again and again throughout our sessions. The threads of my life (and understanding of them) had felt tangled and incoherent, and throughout our work together they started to be recognized and weave back into a cohesive whole. Nikos is full-hearted, sincere, and an incredibly interesting person to learn from - his depth of knowledge and personal practice is evident and I look forward to having future sessions. In the mean time, his writings and podcasts are full of inspiration and rich contemplation on how to live life well, and always reveal more from another listen. They will accompany my practice now that our sessions are over (for the time being!).”
Ashleigh Ellis
I can't begin to express how helpful Nikos has been. It's unbelievable. He helped me achieve things I had not even started achieving with 10+ years of therapy.
Previous to finding Nikos, therapy didn't work very well for me. I felt as though I was defective or somehow incapable of the same introspection that seems so effortless to other people. I couldn't understand what part of me was missing, or how to address that. To make things worse, I had a lot of difficulties articulating what was wrong, because of communication problems arising from severe trauma. I was also very ashamed of my soul's natural calling, which is, in truth, as valid as any other.
As it turns out, what I needed was a more holistic understanding of life. The dominant culture unfortunately compartmentalises life too much, as if it was almost a sin to connect different areas of knowledge - Psychology and Spirituality for instance - whereas in truth they are all part of a bigger ecology of life that doesn't always allow for neat little boxes.
I'll keep going to therapy, but now with tools that go a bit beyond it (such as soul dialogue) so that I can actually make the most of it instead of staying "in my head" all the time. Some people have a natural knack for these introspective skills and can allow themselves to take them for granted... But in case you're in the same boat as I was, Nikos can help.
“Do you want to hear more birds singing, notice where the moon is in its cycle, spot when a new flower has just blossomed in your garden, pause to watch your dog’s nose following a bee…?
“And do you want to get better at sensing that your partner is feeling a bit down one day, or not mind so much when your child tips all the things you just tidied away back out onto the floor, or feel a little less injured when someone you work with doesn’t respond to your email in the way you’d have liked…?
“Well if so - talk to Nikos!
“He has helped me with all of these things, as well as giving me an understanding of philosophy that makes sense of so much that was confusing to me about the way we live. Oh - and he’s not just clever - he's also fun!
“Forever grateful to you Nikos,
If you’re new to coaching or philosophical consulting, you might wonder: Why do people who want to help the world—and who want to understand and heal themselves—need coaching and consulting most urgently?
Because the people harming the world (intentionally or not) and sowing seeds of ignorance (intentionally or not) already have coaches, mentors, and therapists. They’re all two steps ahead. Successful people have coaches, consultants, guides, and therapists.
Excellence arises from a vitalizing ecology of mind.
Imagine what you could do with consulting and training explicitly aimed at helping you transcend all the insanity you see in the world, and become the person you dream of being—not just any old “coaching,” “training,” or even “therapy,” but a wisdom-based approach, because we need wisdom, compassion, and grace now more than ever.
I work with people trying to help the world. It’s okay if you haven’t gotten very far in that aim, and it’s also quite fine if you’ve made a significant impact already. Either way—beginner or expert—wisdom can change everything.
Sometimes, people come to me simply because they feel lost. Sometimes they just need a radically different perspective on how to take their work to the next level.
Even high achievers struggle with personal demons, anxieties, fears, confusions, self-doubts. Everyone experiences spiritual hunger, and even successful people can face a crisis of meaning and purpose, a deep desire for more peace, healing, true joy, and deeper trust in themselves and the world.
Too many of us give a lot, but don’t get quality support—support rooted in wisdom and compassion. Even intelligent and accomplished people don’t get the kind of truth-telling and learning experiences they need to evolve at a whole new level.
And we all know we face unprecedented problems at personal, cultural, and global scales. We need genuinely new ways of thinking, knowing, and taking action.
If you recognize a pattern of insanity at work in the world (and/or in yourself) that you want to dispel, even if you already have a track record of achievement and success (and so you want a genuinely new approach), get in touch for a Dangerous Wisdom consulting call.
I’m here to help. Let’s do the impossible.
Are you ready to feel better and help the world?

“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think.” Gregory Bateson
Standard coaching, consulting and therapy, even from the highest-priced practitioners, tends to perpetuate the very thinking that creates the major problems of the world. It quietly sustains the basic nature of conflict within ourselves—even if so many things seem to change or improve by means of it.
But we can learn to think the way nature works, the way reality functions.
Most coaches only care about their clients’ agendas, and they reflect the client back at themselves. A wisdom-based coach cares about your deeper needs and confusions, which need more than an echo chamber.
In order to grow, we all need the presence of something wiser than ourselves. In our work together, we will let the unrivaled teachings of the wisdom traditions be the mirror for your soul.
A lot of coaches and training programs promise big shifts. The way they miss the mark has to do with how much they leave out. They leave out the single biggest cultural resource we have: The wisdom traditions.
The wisdom traditions of the world offer us a way out of the insanities we encounter in ourselves, our families, our organizations, and our culture. They teach us how to think the way reality functions. But it’s dangerous stuff, especially if we try to apply it while clinging to the past.
Are you ready to get dangerous? The whole world is waiting.